Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Relaxing SECC Brunswick, GA Rally

October 19-23, 2020


Coastal GA RV Resort


287 South Port Parkway

Brunswick, GA 31523



Brunswick and the Golden Isles are full of beauty, history and southern charm.

Visit Cumberland Island, Jekyll Island and St. Simons Island all 3 offer glimpses into Revolutionary History. See Millionaires Row or learn about the marshes and wildlife there is something for everyone.

SECC Rally in Beautiful Historic Brunswick, GA

Arrive: Oct 19, 2020  Depart: Oct 23, 2020

Cost for this rally is $50.00 per person .  For Non-SECC attendees please add $35.00 per coach.

This rally will include 2 (possibly 3) catered dinners. In addition one of the nights we will be grilling out.  On our first night we will have a fascinating talk by local historian Cap Fendig on the history of Brunswick and the Golden Isles. We encourage everyone to explore the Golden Isles on their own or with friends.  There will be a flyer with suggestions so you can tailor your experience to your interests. 

 Register and pay via PayPal

Rally Attendees


Make your rally fee check payable to Southeast Country Coachers and mail this form and your check to our Treasurer:

Kent McCoin

1340 Peninsula Drive

Prosperity, SC 29127

email: kmccoin@bellsouth.net


Name of Attendee/s___________________________________

Non-SECC Attendee Address:____________________________

City:______________________ State:_______ Zip:__________


Contact Info:  Phone:__________________________________



Number Attending_____ X $50.00 per person   = $__________

Non-SECC Attendees Add $35.00 per coach        = $__________

                                   Total Amount Included         = $__________


Do you have any food allergies?____________