Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Rally Cancelled

Your health is more important

SECC San Antonio, TX Rally

May 4-8th, 2020


Travelers World RV Resort



2617 Roosevelt Ave

San Antonio, TX


San Antonio is a city full of history, charm and beauty. From the

beautiful River Walk, Spanish Missions, Nightlife to the historic Alamo.

San Antonio has much to explore!

SECC Rally in Exciting Historic San Antonio, TX

Arrive: May 4, 2020 Depart: May 8, 2020

Cost for this rally is $90.00 per person . For Non-SECC attendees please

add $35.00 per coach.

Details to follow.

Pay online with Paypal



Make your rally fee check payable to Southeast Country Coachers and

mail this form and your check to our Treasurer:

Kent McCoin

1340 Peninsula Drive

Prosperity, SC 29127

email: kmccoin@bellsouth.net

Name of Attendee/s___________________________________

Non-SECC Attendee Address:____________________________

City:______________________ State:_______ Zip:__________

Contact Info: Phone:__________________________________


Number Attending_____ X $90.00 per person = $__________

Non-SECC Attendees Add $35.00 per coach = $__________

Total Amount Included = $__________